Monday, May 18, 2009

Terry's Caramels

The boys & I went to a couple antique shops over the weekend. One shop had some wonderful homemade caramels for sale, but they don't even compare with this recipe. If you want to see some pics from our antique browsing - check out Dad's Tackle Box - there will be pictures there later on today. My mother in law got this recipe from one of her former patients (she used to be a home health nurse), hence the name "Terry's Caramels".

Terry’s Caramels

2 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 cup butter
1 cups white (Karo) syrup
1 c. whipping cream (not whipped)
1 tsp. vanilla

Heat butter in big, deep pan (I use my heavy cast aluminum Dutch oven) just until melted. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat to 248 degrees (measured by a candy thermometer), stirring frequently - do not leave unattended. When the temp is 248, stir in the vanilla.

Pour into a parchment-lined (or buttered) 9x13 pan. Once cooled, cut into 1” or 1”x2” pieces, and wrap in squares of waxed paper.

(**NOTE** Be careful not to allow this to boil over – if you have not made
candy before you may want to keep a constant eye on this one; the first couple
of times I made this without my mother-in-law, I stirred it constantly; if this
does boil over, it will make a huge sticky mess. Be careful not to touch
the hot caramel; it will leave a really painful burn!)

We usually make a double batch at Christmas time to share, sometimes even a triple or quadruple batch because everyone loves these! They're good any time of year, though.


  1. Yummy, thanks. If you have a chance stop by my comfort food blog, I have new recipes.


  2. I am printing this one out to save for Christmas, or before if I can think of an excuse.



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